Thank you so much to Lisa from All Things Special Ed for nominating me for the One Lovely Blog Award! I'm super new to blogging and it's crazy that she would even think of me! I felt totally unprepared for my first year of teaching despite having a great student teaching experience. The Special Education teachers that I found through blogging totally saved me and gave me confidence. I am truly grateful for the ideas, products, and insight I have found! Hopefully I can one day be helpful for a new special education teacher.
According to the award rules, I am now supposed to tell you 7 things about me. Here goes!
1. I live in Arizona about 45 minutes east of Phoenix.
2. I teach in a self-contained class for kiddos with a wide array of disabilities. I have kids with mild, moderate, to severe/profound disabilities. The wide range can be challenging sometimes, but I love that it really pushes me to be creative!
3. If I weren't a teacher, I would probably be a nurse. I secretly want to be a Midwife :)
4. I am getting my Masters in Applied Behavior Analysis and will go for my BCBA.
5. I dream of opening a therapy and education center for for kiddos with developmental disabilities.
6. I love to cook, but hate following recipes. My great little family will always taste my creations even though I am definitely not successful every time!
7. I need to make more time for creating projects and blogging, but it's a struggle to stay up past 10 haha.
I want to nominate blogs that helped me develop a (mostly) successful classroom:
2. Fun in ECSE
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